Subnational Climate Partnerships Announced in GCF meeting

Norway, Rainforest States, Indigenous Leaders and California Strengthen Key Agreements

Author: GCF Task Force

Wrapping up a key climate and forests meeting in Barcelona, innovative state and provincial leaders from around the world today announced five major new commitments.

“We are leveraging subnational efforts to save the planet,” said Governor Pedro Taques of Mato Grosso, Brazil, an Amazonian state that joined many others in making binding commitments to reduce deforestation and promote low-emission sustainable development.

Event’s announcements include:

1. Norway’s $25M contribution to the Governors Climate and Forests Fund, to support implementation of the groundbreaking Rio Branco Declaration and the GCF states’ leadership in protecting forests, reducing carbon pollution, and enhancing livelihoods.

2. GCF member states’ re-affirmation of their commitment to the Rio Branco Declaration, as Governors from Mato Grosso, Para, and Tocantins (Brazil) signing the declaration, which commits to an 80% reduction in deforestation by 2020.

3. Cross River State (Nigeria) and Chiapas (Mexico) signing the groundbreaking Under 2 MOU, joining GCF member states California, Catalonia, Jalisco and Acre (Brazil) in committing to this major new regional climate deal.

4. Indigenous Peoples Organizations COICA and MesoAmerican Alliance issuing statements of support for GCF and calling for further cooperation between Indigenous Peoples, traditional communities and GCF states, particularly around jurisdictional approaches to REDD+ and low emissions development.

5. Teras Narang, Governor of Central Kalimantan (Indonesia) signing the first ever pledge to create a jurisdiction-wide certification for sustainable palm oil.


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