Study of Best Business Practices in the Amazon

What is the role of the private sector today for the Amazon? This was the main question that sparked the elaboration of this study and guided the research and dialogues with the companies and specialists interviewed in recent months. To generate shared value, contribute to local development, value the standing forest and its assets, promote bioeconomy, support and strengthen public policies that value the region… There is no single answer. But everyone points in the same direction: in the coming years, companies should play a leading role in the construction of a new development model that will be Brazil’s great competitive differential in the global economy. This includes both companies that operate directly in the Amazon, those that are not located in the Amazon but buy local products or inputs, and even those that do not have any relationship with the region, but will operate to meet ESG targets or to contribute to reducing carbon emissions in Brazil.

The purpose of this study is to point out ways and opportunities for greater engagement of the private sector in incorporating practices that contribute to forest conservation and sustainable development in the region. The solutions exemplified are applicable to different contexts of operation.

Copyright: Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEBDS)
Idealized study by CEBDS
Consultancy: Idesam
Authors: Mariana Buoro | Mariana Pavan | Mariano Cenamo
Technic Coordination: Karina Simão
Adequacy and content review: Karina Simão | Alexandre Bezerra | Luana Maia
Year: 2022
Graphic Project, Layout and Illustrations : Ludus Global | Joana Dupre | Mariana Vilhena | Luísa Quirino | Larissa Assis


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