Mudanças climáticas & REDD+

The IDESAM Climate Change and Environmental Services Program focuses on the creation and development of mechanisms and innovative solutions for mitigating climate change, promoting forest conservation and reducing tropical deforestation. Its main projects are aimed at the development of activities for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD +), reforestation and other instruments under the UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and voluntary carbon markets.

Idesam has participated in the UNFCCC negotiations since 2005, mainly focused on forest-related issues, organizing and presenting side-events, and disseminating studies and publications. At the national level, it works by developing and implementing projects related to REDD + and payment for environmental services (PES), aiming to mitigate climate change and promote the sustainable development of populations living in the forest. Through participation in national networks and working groups, he participates in the formulation of policies and programs related to climate change and forests, and in the State of Amazonas he played a decisive role in the construction of the State Policy on Climate Change and the Amazonian Forum on Climate Change.

Another important aspect of our work is the dissemination and dissemination of concepts and results obtained in our projects. In this sense, the PMC continuously conducts training, training and lectures, aimed at both specific audiences and civil society in general.

Idesam has been a pioneer in the design and development of climate mitigation projects related to land use and forests. Among our main project lines, we developed the preparation of feasibility studies, methodologies and project design documents (PDD) for REDD + projects and carbon sequestration through afforestation and reforestation (CDM F / R). Studies and modeling of deforestation dynamics, socio-environmental diagnostics and quantification / inventories of carbon stocks and flows in forests have also been developed.

The PMC actively participates in the discussion and construction of public policies at different levels. On an international scale, we actively participate in the Conferences of the Parties (COP’s) and related UNFCCC meetings, with the main focus on negotiations on forests and land use (REDD, LULUCF, CDM, etc.). Since 2007 Idesam has been an official observing entity registered with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), organizing and participating in side-events, panels and debates, as well as presenting publications and technical articles. At the regional level, we participate in networks such as the Amazon Regional Articulation (ARA) and the Latin American REDD + Forum, always seeking to socialize and exchange our projects, experiences and lessons learned from other actors in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In the national context, we work to design projects, programs and policies, mainly related to environmental services and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD +), in order to ensure that they are socially inclusive, economically viable and environmentally appropriate. PMC participates in the following national networks: Observatório do Clima, Amazonian Forum on Climate Change and Brazilian Forum on Climate Change.

The dissemination of results and experiences and the training of actors from different sectors is essential for leveling and improving concepts, which need to be agreed for the construction of effective mechanisms for PSA (Payments for Environmental Services) and REDD + (Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation) and Forest Degradation). Lessons learned from pilot projects and demonstration activities, which are often not publicly available, are also of fundamental importance for the improvement of future programs and projects.

Idesam has extensive experience in organizing events and courses on topics related to REDD + and climate change. Since 2005, we have organized courses and training for different audiences, addressing different aspects related to climate change and forests. Many of them are focused on specific actors, such as indigenous peoples and traditional communities, government actors, academia and the private sector, and other events are open to civil society and other interested audiences.

To find out more about the courses and training developed by Idesam, contact us by e-mail:

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